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Thursday, November 15, 2007

loss weight

<-- aku taknak jadik mcm nie! ..

kenapa ari nie tetiba aku leh nak posting psl loss weight? ini gara2 aku taknak jadik keding cam org lam gambo seblah neh!! meh laa aku citer skit.. isnin 3 ari lepas, aku de timbang berat sebelom gi keje dan secara tekejutnye aku tgk mesin timbang tu -> 49kg. masyaAllah, aku makin kurus!! dan baju kebaya yg aku pakai aritu, mmg loose. aku assume bodo2 laa kata baju tu membesar tapi secara logikanye, ner der baju membesar... tul tak? (lain ler kalo t-shirt kannn?) .. dokte pun penah pesan, jgn turun bwh 50kg nanti senang kena attack balik. adehh... tu yg aku takmo sebenarnye! ok, senin kebaya, selasa kebaya .. tapi yg selasa laa aku tak larat bila baju yg mmg sendat2 ngan aku sebulan lepas, boleh lak de space 3cm kat tepi..sah! aku mmg loss weight! nak kata aku tak makan or de masalah mkn, tak jugak. sbb breakfast, aku mmg mkn banyak. tghari jer aku skip mkn sbb aku tak rasa nak mkn. malam pun, kadang2 je aku nk mkn, aku mkn.. kalo tak, tak mkn.. emm.. nak kata aku neh mengalami tanda2 awal anorexia, mustahil gak. sbb anorexia akan muntah balik pas mkn.. emmm...! tghari pun 'lunch' coke setin ngan ro 2-3 btg je.. hehehe! so, disebabkan ari nie de taim skit, rajin lak tangan aku usha2 lam intenet psl masalah berat badan neh.. korang yg mebi mengalami masalah sama ngan aku, leh laa baca skali.. simptom dan jugak efek dari loss weight nie.. de antara simptom tu, mmg aku ngah alami dan efek tu yg aku tak braper nak gemor.. adehh...!

Symptoms of Common Eating Disorders

The symptoms on this list can all indicate anorexia, bulimia, or a compulsive disorder.

* Feelings of shame, isolation, and/or loneliness
* A belief that the problem is something unique and therefore must be hidden
* Drive for perfection
* Depression
* Placing the needs of others first
* Lack of emotional reaction
* Hesitance to talk about emotional problems (but an ability to listen sympathetically to other people's problems)
* Fear of growing up
* Apparent maturity and sense of responsibility
* Need for control
* Trouble relaxing and playing
* Existential questioning
* Suicide attempts
* Past sexual abuse
* Preoccupation with weight and/or appearance
* Avoidance of having picture taken or looking in mirrors
* A need to exercise and a feeling of failure if it's not done to satisfaction
* Ritualized behaviors when dealing with food (e.g. cutting food into tiny pieces, hiding food under other food)
* Other addictive behaviors (e.g. alcoholism, workaholic, neatness)
* Thoughts of food, weight, or body image disrupts daily activities
* Secretive about weight, food, or exercise
* Use of food to gain emotional comfort
* Avoidance of eating in front of other people and stress when it cannot be avoided
* Denial of hunger
* Inability to recognize hunger or confusion of hunger with nausea

Effects of Common Eating Disorders

While some of these problems may be reversible, others will cause permanent damage and may lead to death.

Anorexia and Bulimia
• Exhaustion
• Loss of appetite
• Growth of fine, downy hair over body
• Yellowing, dry skin and fingernails
• Dry brittle hair
• Electrolyte imbalance
• Amenorrhea
• Shrinking of the internal organs
• Infertility
• Heart problems
• Dementia

• Tooth and gum damage
• Esophageal and digestive tract problems
• Distended abdomen
• Callused fingers

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